Jetiquette Judge: The Long Haul Litterer

Dear Jetiquette Judge,

I was flying from New York to Los Angeles recently and the passenger across from me made the biggest mess in their row. He spent the enture flight ripping pages out of magazines and throwing them, along with newspapers, onto the floor. He also threw snack wrappers down to the floor even through Flight Attendants came around throughout the flight to collect garbage from passengers. I wanted to say something, but refrained in order to avoid a confrontation. Should I have said something to the guy? Should I have said something to the crew? Isn't it terribly inconsiderate to litter the airplane when so many people share the space? Thank you in advance for talking me down.


Tidy Traveler in Toledo

Dear Tidy Traveler in Toledo,

I absolutely understand your concerns and frustration. Traveling can already be a taxing experience, and having to witness such blatant disregard for the shared space can certainly add to the stress. Allow me to provide some guidance on "Jetiquette" and how you might handle a similar situation in the future.

Firstly, you were right to refrain from confronting the passenger directly. While it's tempting to address the issue yourself, confrontations in confined spaces like airplanes can escalate quickly and create a much bigger problem for everyone involved.

What You Could Do:

  1. Speak with the Crew: The next time you encounter a situation like this, don't hesitate to quietly mention the issue to a flight attendant. They are trained to handle such matters and can address the issue discreetly, without involving you directly.

  2. Consider Your Own Comfort: If the mess is affecting your comfort or ability to enjoy your flight, you may want to ask a flight attendant if there are any available seats you could move to. They are usually accommodating if it's within their ability.

  3. Keep Perspective: While it's undoubtedly frustrating to witness such behavior, try to keep perspective and focus on what you can control. Bringing a good book, some headphones, or other forms of entertainment can help distract you from any surrounding annoyances.

Jetiquette Basics:

Travelers should always consider the following principles of good "Jetiquette":

  • Respect Shared Spaces: Airplanes are confined spaces where many people must coexist for an extended period of time. Keeping your area tidy and being mindful of others' comfort is paramount.

  • Follow Crew Instructions: Flight attendants are there to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers. Following their instructions and using proper channels to communicate any concerns is usually the best course of action.

  • Practice Patience and Empathy: Everyone has different comfort levels and habits. While it's reasonable to expect basic courtesy, practicing patience and empathy towards others can make the journey more pleasant for everyone.

Tidy Traveler, your concerns are absolutely valid, and I commend your restraint in a challenging situation. Remember, the crew is there to assist you, so don't hesitate to turn to them if needed.

Safe travels, and may your future flights be clutter-free!

Best Regards, Jetiquette Judge

Jetiquette Judge

Gailen David, known as "The Jetiquette Judge," revolutionized travel decorum with his coined term, "Jetiquette." A seasoned former American Airlines Purser Flight Attendant, Gailen's unmatched wisdom in airborne etiquette is informed by decades of experience. Recognized by major media, from CNN to USA Today, his insights into refined travel behavior have positioned him as a leading voice in harmonious travel. Beyond his airline tenure, Gailen's expertise is enriched by his affiliation with the Protocol School of Washington, where he studied and instructed., his brainchild, is more than just a guide – it's a movement championing the ethos of "Global Jetiquette." This platform educates travelers on international etiquette, preparing them to embrace global cultures seamlessly. Gailen's initiatives, including pivotal training programs at American Airlines, underscore his commitment to transcending mere travel – he envisions journeys marked by grace, understanding, and respect. With Gailen's guidance, the skies are not just routes but bridges, connecting cultures and fostering understanding, one flight at a time.

Jetiquette in France: The Savvy Traveler's Guide


Jetiquette Judge: Under Pressure to Switch Seats